Our classes are small with an average of one teacher to ten to twelve students, allowing for each student to get attention to their academic needs. We use a variety of texts and lesson plans for each grade level and our homework load is significantly lighter than most schools. We do not use Common Core; nor will we perform mental health screenings on students. Due to space restrictions we currently do not have a sports program or cafeteria.
The biggest difference between us and mainstream schools is our implementation of Study Technology™. We want our students proficient in their skills and work very hard to achieve this. We are structured in such a way that every student can receive one-on-one attention to their academics on a daily basis. We will not “pass” a student just because he shows up to class and students who do not work or become problematic in the classroom are quickly dismissed. Students who WANT to learn usually do quite well. Though we are a small school, we maintain a high standard. I do not want to imply that mainstream schools do not work hard or have standards. They do. We just take an entirely different approach.
Yes. H.E.L.P. Miami is accredited by the NPSAG (National Private Schools Accreditation Group, Inc). Standard High School diplomas are issued to qualifying students.
Usually not. Employment of certified teachers is not a legal requirement of private schools in the state of Florida. Regardless, we train all of our teachers to a certain educational standard which includes Study TechnologyTM so that they can effectively teach and manage a class.
H.E.L.P. Miami accepts the McKay Scholarship, the Step-Up-for-Students (Florida Tax Credit & Gardiner) and the AAA Scholarship.The parent is responsible to cover any fees that the scholarship does not fully cover.For more information on the above mentioned scholarship programs, go to:www.floridaschoolchoice.org (McKay Scholarship)www.stepupforstudents.org (HOPE and Gardiner Scholarships)www.AAAscholarship.org
Note: Qualifying families may only receive one of the above scholarships per child.
No. We do not have our own bus; however, several of our students do use a private bus service to get to and from school on a daily basis. The registrar can provide you contact information for local bus/van services. It is up to the parent/guardian to make transportation arrangements. (Note: Transportation fees are not covered by the McKay Scholarship or the Step Up for Students grants.)
Yes, we require uniforms for all students. The uniform consists of long jeans, sneakers and a H.E.L.P. Miami Polo or T-Shirt.
Yes. Though our homework load is far lighter than most schools, all middle and high school students will get homework every day. (Know that it is school policy that students who fail to turn in homework a total of five times are dismissed.) Refunds are not granted for children who get dismissed for not doing homework. Students in grades K-5 have little to no homework, but the same homework rule applies.
H.E.L.P. Miami follows the public school calendar with one exception – we do not have classes the day after Halloween. If public school is off due to a holiday or bad weather, we too are closed. Daily schedule is 9:00am to 2:30pm.
Students must meet state requirements to earn a high school diploma (Sunshine State Standards). Currently, high school students need 24 high school credits and must complete a minimum of 75 community service hours to earn a high school diploma.
Note: State graduation requirements may change. It is recommended that both student and parent/guardian meet with high school director upon enrollment or early in the school year to determine which credits are needed to earn a high school diploma.
All students must be interviewed by the school director prior to enrolling in the school. Upon acceptance to the program you will be given a packet of school registration forms and the DVD “Dead Wrong”. You must turn in all school forms, required medical documentation and a birth certificate or proof of Baptism, and view the DVD in its entirety, prior to your child beginning classes. Tuition and other fees are due at the time of enrollment.
Yes. This is determined on an individual basis. We won’t accept students who we honestly feel we cannot help. This includes kids who are in trouble academically, yet are permitted to spend hours in front of a TV or device. It is our experience that these “TV kids” are very difficult to motivate or get into action because their parents keep them inactive. We will not enroll a student who has a history of violent or bad behavior. Some students may be required to pass a drug test before being accepted.
We also may not accept certain students based on academic needs; for example, a teenager who cannot read or who needs an elementary academic instruction may be refused as we simply do not offer an ESE* program at this time. We do not have the staff or the facilities to accept children diagnosed with autism or who are considered “on the spectrum.” Currently, we are operating all K-12 classes in a small space; therefore, we are limited in what we can do. Once we expand our physical school size, we will able to service more students and offer more programs.
*Exceptional Student Education
You can move to Miami! (Just kidding!) Contact Applied Scholastics International at 1-877-755-3276 or visit them at www.AppliedScholastics.org to see if there is an Applied Scholastics school near you. If there is not such a school in your area I suggest that YOU train up and YOU put one there.
All staff are required to learn and properly use the study methods of L. Ron Hubbard; have three or more years of K-12th grade teaching experience and/or special skills, knowledge, or expertise that qualifies them to provide instruction in K-12th grade subjects; provide a social security number and pass a background check.
Absolutely! Note: Volunteers must pass the same background check as our teachers. Just call us and make an appointment to see what is needed and wanted.
Yes. Every year we expel two to five students for various reasons. Refusal to do assignments, plagiarism, repeatedly disrupting class, cheating, poor attendance, and so on, all are grounds for expulsion. Again, this school is for students who actively want an education.
Please report such incidents to the principal immediately. If you would like to report the principal for unprofessional or unethical behavior, please contact the Executive Director at Applied Scholastics 314-355-6355. If the situation is of a criminal nature, please contact the police.